Giving back through life-changing experiences.
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Giving back through life-changing experiences.
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We hope this site will provide you with insight and information about our council. If you are interested in joining our council, please contact our Grand Knight or a council member for more information.
The St. Francis Xavier Council # 6430 of the Knights of Columbus was chartered in January of 1973. Charter membership totaled 70 and has grown steadily over the years. The Knights of Columbus is a "Catholic, family, fraternal, service organization" which emphasizes service programs for the church community. The principles of the Order ha
The St. Francis Xavier Council # 6430 of the Knights of Columbus was chartered in January of 1973. Charter membership totaled 70 and has grown steadily over the years. The Knights of Columbus is a "Catholic, family, fraternal, service organization" which emphasizes service programs for the church community. The principles of the Order have remained intact as established by Father McGivney . . . Charity . . . Unity . . . Fraternity . . . Patriotism. The Knights of Columbus meet monthly at their hall. The St. Francis Xavier Council prides itself with all of its religious and civic activities.
Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and your mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference. Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Being a Knight is more than camara
Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and your mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference. Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life.
Grand Knight
Deputy Grand Knight
Financial Secretary
Inside Guard
Outside Guard
The Emblem of the Order dates from the Second Supreme meeting, May 12, 1883. It was designed by James T. Mullen, a New Haven native and Civil War veteran, who served the Order as its first Supreme Knight from 1882-1886.
The emblem incorporates a shield mounted upon a formée cross (having the arms narrow at the center and expanding toward the ends). The shield is associated with a medieval knight, and the formée cross is an artistic representation of the cross of Christ, through whom all graces of redemption were procured for mankind. This, then, represents the Catholic spirit of the Order.
Mounted on the shield are three objects: a fasces (a bundle of rods bound together about an ax with the blade projecting) standing vertically and, crossed behind it, an anchor and a dagger or short sword. The fasces is from Roman days, carried before magistrates as an emblem of authority. The anchor is the mariner's symbol for Columbus. The short sword is the weapon of the knight when engaged in an errand of mercy.
Thus the shield expresses Catholic Knighthood in organized merciful action, and with the letters K. of C., proclaims this specific form of activity. The red, white, and blue are the colors of our beloved country. As such, red is the color of stout-hearted courage, of pulsing activity and a full measure of devotion. Blue is the symbol of hope, of calm tranquility under God, and of confidence in the protection of our country, established under God. White is the symbol of nobility of purpose, of purity of aim, and of crucible-tried ideals to be carried out.
But there is another symbolism of color in red, white, and blue. This is the ecclesiastical symbolism in which red becomes the reflection of the drops of Christ's redemptive blood, shed upon Calvary, and of the Martyr's blood shed in defense of the faith. Red, then, is the symbol of Faith.
White is the color of the Eucharistic Host, pledge of God's Eucharistic presence among men, of the infinite love God had for man, and of the overwhelming affection which the God-man had for each individual. White then is the symbol of Christ-like Charity.
Blue is the color of Our Lady's mantle, in which she draped her beloved Son, through whom salvation came to a sinful world. Blue is then the symbol of Hope.
If you are interested in posting information to this site or if you have questions about site content, please email the council at taoskofc@gmail.com
St. Francis Xavier #6430 Knights of Columbus Council 7128 Route M Jefferson City, MO 65101
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