President - Nathan Graessle
Vice President - Blake McPheeters
Treasurer - Wayne Thoenen
Commissioner - Scott Jurgensmeyer
Wardsville - 3505 Rte M, Jefferson City, MO 65109, Fields are next to Lions club Hall
Taos - 7128 Rte M, Jefferson City, MO 65101, behind KC hall
Russellville - 13615 Rte C, Russellville, Missouri, fields are across from the Highschool football field
Tuscumbia – 10 Ball Park Rd, Tuscumbia, MO 65082
Marys Home – Two fields, 247 Hwy H, Eugene, MO 65032, behind KC hall and 274 Hwy H, Eugene, MO 65032, behind Our Lady of the Snows Church, check with your coach on which field will be used.
St Elizabeth – 401 Ball Park Rd, St Elizabeth, MO 65075
St Thomas - 14830 State Hwy B, St Thomas MO 65076, field is behind the school
Today’s youth, the leaders of tomorrow, are looking for a challenge, for responsibility, for faith and trust.
Yet, despite their commitments and dedication, the youth of the world are often condemned because of the uncontrolled actions of a minority of young people. As Knights of Columbus, it is our responsibility to provide youth with the means and the opportunities to become personally committed and involved in meeting the challenges of our times.
There is a great deal more all of us can do to improve our youth programs. Recruit more men from the council level to work with young people. These adult leaders will help to mold the youth of today into the influential citizens of tomorrow.
Exert more positive and constructive influence on your young people by becoming involved with them. Pay more attention to what they are saying. Demonstrate your support by sponsoring a Columbian Squires circle, aiding the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program, promoting the Boy Scouts or helping to combat drug and alcohol abuse.
Numerous other avenues are always open in helping to build leaders for the future.
The St. Francis Knights of Columbus proudly sponsors the following events for the youth of our church:
- Poster Contest - December
- Free Throw Contest - January
- Essay Contest - January
In addition, there are also scholarships available for undergraduate students.
For more information, contact our council's Grand Knight - John Thessen at
1728 State Highway M, Jefferson City, Missouri 65101, United States